Publication title:
Papers & Proceedings
Publication volume:
December 2017
Publication category:
In this edition Robert Dooley writes about the extinct Tasmanian emu, Lucy Frost recounts the varied stories of indentured children from the Queen's Asylum, Eric Ratcliff explores Hobart's Rat's Castle and Bruce Rosen investigates the death of an overseer at Point Puer convict boys station. In addition Nick Clements reviews Nick Brodie's 'The Vandemonian War: the secret history of Britain's Tasmanian invasion, Brian Rieusset fossicks through Nic Haygarth's 'On the Ossie: Tasmanian osmiridium and the fountain pen industry' and Jessica Walters enjoys Simon Barnard's illustrated account for children of Cyprus escapee, William Swallow in 'Gaolbird: the true story of William Swallow, convict and pirate'.