Legacy House Function Room
159 Macquarie Street
Hobart TAS 7000
The discovery of tin by James ‘Philosopher’ Smith in 1871 saw the beginning of mining settlements on the west coast and the opening of the first post office at Mount Bischoff in 1874. The influx of prospectors, miners, businesses and the opening of railways all looking to support the mines saw a steady growth in the number of post offices in the region. A total of seventy-eight post offices, railway telephone offices and free bag services operated at various times over the years from 1874. Some were open for a mere five months. Their number reached a peak of 29 by 1901. As the mines petered out there was a decline to the six offices still operating today. The talk aims to present an illustrated journey through the postal history, postal markings and post cards of the western Tasmanian post offices.
Malcolm Groom is a retired chartered accountant who has held a life long interest in philately, particularly the postal history of Tasmania. He is an international exhibitor and judge and currently chairman of the Postal History commission of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie (FIP). Malcolm was elected to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists in 2022. Malcolm has also acted as THRA’s auditor for many years.