Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Dunn Place
Hobart TAS 7000
TMAG's Principal Curator of Art, Jane Stewart, will tell us about her research behind the new winter exhibition Paradise Lost: Thomas Griffiths Wainewright which opens on Friday 11 June 2021.
Romanticism, lust, murder, forgery and incarceration collide in the life of London critic and renowned convict artist Wainewright, who was born in England in 1794 and died in Hobart in 1847. This richly-layered exhibition combines his intriguing paintings, portraits and narrative sketches with the luscious world of European Romanticism and Tasmania’s oppressive convict history.
The excursion will be held at TMAG at 11am on Saturday 26 June 2021. Numbers are limited so please make sure that you book. Contact Ian Terry at ianterry@netspace.net.au or on 6234 9979.