This event is our Annual General Meeting and our monthly lecture.
Download the agenda and nomination form (PDF)
159 Macquarie Street
Hobart TAS 7000
Following a short Annual General Meeting, Jeff Schneider will speak about Hobart's Jewish history. The history of Hobart's tiny Jewish community is long and remarkable. It is a curious story of survival that is reflected in the Hobart Synagogue, Australia’s oldest synagogue still in use (1845). How did the convicts and free settlers form this community? Who are the personalities that have kept it going? In the 180 years of the Hobart Hebrew Congregation, what triumphs (and lowlights) occurred? Many of these answers can now be found on the internet with the Hobart Synagogue digital archive, a collection dating back to 1828. This talk will explore the stories found in the collection that illustrates the history of Tasmania's Jewish community.
Jeff Schneider is a Collections Analyst who works with cultural institutions to build and share digital collections. Currently, Jeff is with the Australian Jewish Historical Society. He is president of the Hobart Hebrew Congregation.